These are some pics from mine and andrea's shroom trip!
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It was andrea's 18th birthday.. so we did shrooms ^_^

"I dwopped my snow =o("
Poor andrea dropped her snow.. we kept eating snow and it was fun ^_^

aww poor andie!!!!
" I look gay when i laugh"
Wow, i look super de duperly gay in this picture, but that was because i was trippin :D and it was fun .. and i coudlnt stop laughing.. Now i have the biggest headache today!!!!!!!
"mm BIg mac"
This is a big mac box thing, and i have no idea why i too kthis pciture, possibly because ima moron lol
"Mm Ice"
Mmm Ice, i was obsessed with ice last night, it tasted soo good.. well i was dehydrated the whole night and the ice was lub ^_^
Im a Fag"
I look kind of like a fag in this picture, but i alwyas look like a fag ^_^;;
"Mm Snow"
This is Andrea after she got more snow after she dropped her last piece :D

Mm Smoking on shroom sis hella funny..

We had a good night, we didnt get into any truoble, we just walked around tripping and taking pictures, unfortunatly my batteries died an hour into the trip so that was a piss off :/